Welcome to Ana Luis!

After researching local websites in the Tri-cities, we felt that our website was quite good. It was better than average. It also was apparent that most websites in the area were far below average (which made us look great). It would have been easy to rest with a nice website at hand and do minor updates. But we wanted to provide our guests with more than they were expecting to find when they visited us on the web.
While on analuisdayspa.com you can book you next appointment and purchase gift certificates instantly. You can meet our team of professionals and so much more. There are easy to find links to the exact information that you are looking for. Take advantage of our "Special Offers" and find out about the programs that help you to save money. It is all laid out in a sea of soft images from our salon & day spa.
We have designed more useful content and online options for your convenience. We would like to welcome you to our NEW website! Enjoy!